Thursday, March 11, 2010


check it out!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


One google tool that I can see using in my classroom is the google calendar. This tool allows students and parents to have access to a current calendar at all times. This calendar can be used to keep track of homework assignments, field trips, special projects, and special events. For each event a detailed description can be included. Thus, all of the important events and assignments for the class can be contained in one place and if the dates change it can be updated. Great tool!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's better to be safe than sorry

Hello fellow humans. Thanks for checking out my blog today. I hope this post will you stay safe while you're using the internet. The internet is quite possibly one of the coolest things ever invented, but there are some real problems and dangers we all face when we use it. There are a few tips that I'd like to mention that will help you stay safe!

Simple rules:

1. Know who you are dealing with.
-make sure that the sites where you are browsing and shopping are legitimate. This can be done by simply looking up the business to make sure it exists. This will help you to stay away from scammers trying to steal your money. Also be careful downloading from any "free" sites who might be trying to send you viruses or phishing software.
-be extra careful when opening emails as well. These will likely not damage your computer unless you open them.
2. What do you do if something goes wrong?
-If a scammer takes advantage of you through an Internet auction, when you're shopping online, or in any other way, report it to the Federal Trade Commission, at The FTC enters Internet, identity theft, and other fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online database available to hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad.
-If you get spam, including email phishing for your information, forward it to
-If you think you have given your information to a fraudster, file a complaint at

Hopefully these few tips will help us all stay a little safer on the internet. Good luck guys and happy surfing!

A Dream and Journey

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Effective vs. Ineffective media

Multi media in the classroom can be either a distraction or a benefit to the learning environment. Effective media should demonstrate and enhance the principles being taught, not merely pass the time with videos of bears falling from trees. While watching videos or listening to music can be an effective way to gain or regain the attention of the students, it should be done in a way that adds to the lesson.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Embedded Video

I feel good about my new video about learning spanish. The benefit a video like this would have in the classroom is that it incorporates humor with a small amount of knowledge. Perhaps more knowledge would be better, but the humor would definitely grab the attention of the students!